Public Testimony Opportunity

Governor's Council on Disabilities & Special Education Announcement

Governor’s Council on Disabilities and Special Education

Early Intervention Committee

Alaska’s Interagency Coordinating Council for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities

Public Testimony Opportunity

Wednesday, November 20, 10:20-10:30am

Public testimony opportunity: Share your experience with the early Intervention service system for infants and toddlers with disabilities in Alaska. You can provide your testimony over the phone or in-person at the meeting or — over the phone, in writing, or in-person at the GCDSE office before the meeting.



  • Face-to-face: Suite 1236, 12th Floor, 550 West 7th Ave. Anchorage
  • ZOOM: (computer, tablet or smartphone): join the meeting(
  • Telephone: 888 788 0099 US Toll-free;   877 853 5247 US Toll-free

     Meeting ID: 243 320 775


To provide written testimony, email and indicate if you would like it “read into the record” or just shared with committee members and staff. For phone testimony in advance of the meeting, call (907) 269-8462 or tall free in Alaska 1-888-269-8990.

If you need an accommodations to participate, please call 1-888-269-8990 by November 10th.