Hours, Location & Logistics
Stone Soup Group has 2 offices:
Stone Soup Group Main Office
307 E. Northern Lights Suite 100 Anchorage Alaska, 99503
Stone Soup Group Mat-Su Office
777 N Crusey Street, Ste. B106 Wasilla, AK 99654
*by appointment only
Monday – Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Stone Soup Group is closed on major holidays.
Our Wasilla office is open by appointment only.
Physical and Mailing Address:
307 E. Northern Lights, Suite 100, Anchorage, AK 99503.
Main Office Phone Number: 1.907.561.3701
Main Office Fax Number: 1.907.561.3702
Yes. Our Parent Navigators serve families statewide. We also travel to locations in Alaska supporting clinics throughout the year.
If you need to connect with a DDRC Navigator outside of Anchorage/Matanuska Borough – CLICK HERE
Yes! We serve all families living in Alaska. Staff live and work throughout the state. We offer virtual services and we travel for outreach, trainings and events.
We can assist if you are moving to Alaska and have a child with special needs.
If you need to connect with a DDRC Navigator outside of Anchorage/Matanuska Borough – CLICK HERE
No. Stone Soup Group serves families living in the State of Alaska.
We may be able to provide support to military families transitioning in or out of Alaska; or to families traveling outside the state for reasons related to their child’s care.
If you do not live in Alaska and you have a child with special needs you can go to www.pacer.org to find resource agencies in your state.
We offer programs focused on specific disabilities like Autism and FASD. We serve a wide spectrum of children with all kinds of special needs. A diagnosis is not necessary to receive services.
Parent Navigators support ages birth to 26.
DDRC Navigators supports birth through the entire life span.
We receive most of our funding from state and federal grants. We also have contracts with state and private organizations. There are fees associated with some trainings we provide.
And of course, donations are a vital part of Stone Soup Group’s funding! It takes a community! You can make a secure online donation to Stone Soup Group by Donating Now.
There are many ways! Visit our Get Involved page to find out how.
Or make a donation directly and securely here!
No. We are not a soup kitchen and we do not serve meals.
Our name is a nod to the fable, in which, after being convinced by a hungry stranger that they can make soup with just a stone, a village of people each decide to contribute their own meats and vegetables, until there is enough balanced, nutritious soup to feed everyone. This spirit of collaboration and input of varied experience and knowledge is the philosophy behind the work we do at SSG.
Trainings, Conferences & Activities
Most the trainings are free for families. If there is a cost to attend a training and you are unable to pay, contact our office about a scholarship.
No. We are unable to provide child care during our trainings.
Yes! We offer a variety of ways to access our trainings. Most trainings are virtual, and some are in-person. Most of our trainings are recorded and the recorded trainings can be found on our YouTube Channel.
No. We do not offer parenting classes.
No. Just complete the online intake on our website or call our office to speak to the Intake Specialist.
Yes. Please complete the online intake on our website or call our office to speak to the Intake Specialist. A Parent Navigator or DDRC Navigator will contact you after your intake is complete to schedule an appointment.
Appointments can be in-person, on the phone or over zoom.
No. Parent Navigation services are free for families.
No. If you need legal advice pertaining to a person with special needs contact the Disability Law Center of Alaska at 800.478.1234 or visit their website at www.dlcak.org.
Yes! Stone Soup Group takes confidentiality very seriously. Unless required by law, we will not share any of your information with anyone else at any time without your consent.
No. We serve families who have children diagnosed with any developmental disability. We also serve families who don’t have a diagnosis but have concerns about their child’s development.
Yes. We can talk about your concerns, answer your questions, discuss accommodations or help you get prepared for an IEP meeting.
Additional resources to help increase your knowledge prior to an IEP meeting can be found in our Alaska Special Education Parent Handbook or on our On-Demand Trainings Page.
Possibly. Please allow 10 business days to schedule a Navigator to attend an IEP meeting. Prior to the meeting, the Navigator will need time to review the documentation and meet with you.
Stone Soup Group Parent Navigators serve all of Alaska and attend meetings in-person, virtually or telephonically, as they are able.
If you are a Matanuska Borough resident you may also contact LINKS, your local Community Parent Resource Center, for support – LINKS CPRC.
Yes! Check-out our calendar for current groups.
Our staff does not provide respite care, but we can help you find resources for respite services.
Yes! Be sure to check out the translated materials section on our website and you can have an interpreter join you for meetings with a Navigator.
Yes. You can come in-person to our Anchorage office to check-out resources or you can check-out over the phone and we can mail information to you. There is no cost to check out resources.
Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) is Medicaid Insurance similar to Denali Kid Care that is based on the child’s income and level of disability.
TEFRA can be applied for if a family does not qualify for Denali Kid Care. TEFRA can be used also to supplement private insurance. TEFRA will pay medical expenses and cover private therapies.
Documentation showing a child’s disability must be provided with a TEFRA application. Stone Soup Group is happy to help you understand this process.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) offers financial support to individuals with disabilities who meet the “definition of disability” criteria. You can apply for SSI over the phone with the Social Security Administration (by appointment – expect it to take a while).
To make an appointment to apply SSI by phone, contact: 1-800-772-1213. More information is available at www.socialsecurity.gov
Stone Soup Group is happy to help you understand this process.
Children with developmental disabilities often greatly benefit from speech, occupational and physical therapy sessions. Private therapy is individualized and comprehensive. Trained therapists work individually with children on important skill development techniques. Private therapy sessions also create a valuable “team” approach and offer parents the opportunity to learn with their child and know how to best support their child at home and in the community. Private therapy is different from the therapy provided in the school setting. Private insurance, Denali Kid Care or TEFRA may cover of the cost of private therapies.
Private therapists may have a wait list but it is important to call and get on the waitlist. Once you begin therapy sessions, you will have regular, weekly appointments that will greatly benefit your child. To see a list of family-recommended service providers, visit our Provider List page.
Stone Soup Group is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving families caring for loved ones who experience developmental disabilities or complex medical conditions. Stone Soup Group offers a variety of services and activities.
To learn more about our Navigation services, check out the Connect tab.
To learn more about our Trainings and Activities, check out the Events tab.
Yes! We can help connect you to community resources and school supports to ease the transition to your new home.
Stay Connected
Yes! Stay up to date with what’s happening around the state by
The Monthly Update emails are electronic newsletters sent out by Stone Soup Group. The Monthly Update is full of news and workshops that are helpful to parents and professionals who care for children with special needs. Stone Soup Group only includes information that would be relevant to the disability community in Alaska.
Visit our Provider List page to see what is out there.
Yes! On this website, you can access a screen reader by clicking on the icon that looks like this at the bottom left corner: